The Hobbitjedi - Home
Welcome to the home of the Hobbitjedi!
Glad you're here. I'm working to provide some good information, images, and other nifty stuff for a few of my interests here. If nothing else, I do have some good links related to what I cover for you to check out. Expect more on the media, books, and other related material for The Big O, Gundam, Transformers, Tolkien, The Wheel of Time, Star Trek, Star Wars and perhaps others to come over time.
It's News to Me
You can start to redirect yourself to as that is where my new home will be. I'm in the process of pulling content and creating new stuff for the new site. So, this site should become a simple redirect page soon enough. Later.
Tune into the Hobbitjedi on Live365
I have my own internet radio station on Live365. Tune into the Hobbitjedi'sSciFantasy by going here. A listening setup menu will popup as the station page also loads. I play a variety of music from every interest represented here and then some. The music is taken from The Lord of the Rings, The Last Unicorn, Legend, Star Trek, Star Wars, Gundam, Chrono Trigger and more. The station works best for those on at least a 56k modem or above. You can also search Live365's broad range of music using the search tool below. While you're there, you might even feel tempted to create your own station to broadcast the music you like to the world. Here's a picture of the computer currently acting as my radio station.
Here's how many people have stumbled upon this site:
Last update: July 6, 2004
This is version 2.0 of this site. Best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution. All materials on this site are copyrighted by their respective owners listed in each section. I'm just wanting to give my fan support to these interests of mine. Hobbitjedi is copyrighted by me. I do not mind you using some of what you may find here, but please give me credit if you do and let me know. I went to a lot of trouble to make original image captures and other material for my site. You should do your own work. You'll feel better about it and be more proud of it. Thanks.