The Hobbitjedi - About Me

This icon lets you know I cheated and made this site with a program. Hey, at least I'm honest.

Why the Hobbitjedi you ask? Why not? First, lightsaber toting hobbits are funny. Second, the hobbit heroes in Tolkien's novels became the defenders of their age from the forces of evil, even if it was somewhat by accident. The Jedi Knights of Star Wars weren't all that different. Besides, some of Yoda's relatives could have been hobbits.  OK, not very good arguments, but there you have it. Actually, the name came about when I was creating my e-mail address. I wanted it to be hobbit something, but all of the terms that immediately come to mind were taken. I came up with the Hobbitjedi after puzzling over my dilemma for a few moments and, well, here I am.
Who am I exactly? Do you think I'm crazy? You shouldn't reveal that sort of thing over the internet. The last thing I need is people breaking down my door for autographs. Just kidding. My first name is Christopher, but everyone calls me Chris. I am a recent college graduate trying to find gainful employment, so that I can support my geeky hobbies. I'm still a kid at heart, as this site suggests, and am your average happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Most importantly, I am a Christian. That's as much as I want to say. I don't particularly enjoy talking about myself.
I designed this page in the hopes that others of similar interest would find it a good source for those interests.
To see how this site has changed over time, click here.
To read about some video and computer games I think are cool and recommend, click here.
The Hobbitjedi image is a modification of John Howe's Sam and Shelob painting.